Wednesday, March 3, 2021

vCloud Usage Meter 4.3 DNS settings is not updated after the UM 4.3 ovf Deployment

Issue: I had multiple occasions where the UM 4.3 is deployed using ovf template and DNS settings are provided during the deployment and later checked DNS settings rollbacks to default IP address

Actions Performed :

1.Accesses the /op/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net and updated the DNS settings but still it rollback to default  DNS IP address

2. Added the DNS domain server in /etc/resolv.conf file but after the reboot the DNS IP address is not persistent 

Cause: We found the resolv.conf is pointing to runtime symbolic which is making not persistent after reboot

Workaround 1: 

  • Take an SSH/ console onto the Usage Meter appliance, and run the below commands.
  • mv /etc/resolve.conf /etc/resolve.conf.bak
  • vi /etc/resolve.conf
  • chmod 644 resolve.conf
  • Key in the DNS server info in the below format. I have attached a screenshot below.
  • nameserver DNSIPAddress1
  • nameserver DNSIPAddress1
  • Quit out of the file, and perform a reboot.
Workaround 2:

  • Navigated to the file: /etc/systemd/network/ 
  • vi  /etc/systemd/network/ 
  • Added the DNS entries
  • Reboot the Appliance or restart the network by running systemctl restart systemd-networkd
  • post which the DNS settings is persistent


  1. For workaround #1, you need a chmod 644 resolve.conf after recreating it.

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