Friday, December 13, 2019

Unable to run a automated Script to Backup the VCSA .Failed to run a script which makes connection via API calls 

Error:  A server error occurred: 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthenticated': Unable to authenticate user (Server error id:
''). Check $Error[0].Exception.ServerError for more details.

ERROR:vmware.appliance.vapi.auth:Requested SSO authentication but SSO authentication module is not available


2019-12-02T18:48:44.336 [50279]INFO:twisted:"" - - [02/Dec/2019:10:48:44 +0000] "POST /api HTTP/1.1" 200 2783 "-" "vAPI http client"
2019-12-02T18:50:35.336 [50279]ERROR:vmware.appliance.vapi.auth:Could not parse HOK Token
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/applmgmt/vapi/py/vmware/appliance/vapi/", line 183, in authenticate
  File "/usr/lib/applmgmt/lib/extensions/py/vmware/appliance/extensions/authentication/", line 529, in validate
    signing_chain = self.validate_certificate()
  File "/usr/lib/applmgmt/lib/extensions/py/vmware/appliance/extensions/authentication/", line 700, in validate_certificate
    'One or more certificates cannot be verified.')AuthenticationError: One or more certificates cannot be verified.
2019-12-02T18:50:35.336 [50279]INFO:twisted:"" - - [02/Dec/2019:10:50:35 +0000] "POST /api HTTP/1.1" 200 339 "-" "vAPI http client"

Note: PSC had total of 7 STS certificate chain out of which STS of 2 PSC is valid and the rest of STS was stale 

Resolution :

  • Ensure to backup the PSC and VCSA 
  • Verify if there are any Stale STS certificates of the old PSC are listed 
  • Removed the STS certificate chains of the unused PSC 
  • Restart the services and PSC and the VCSA

We can refer to the below KB if the issue is not with Certificates 

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