Esxi’s command’s to make your daily troubleshooting
- Lists all vm's running on hypervisor and provides
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
List the inventory ID of the virtual machine with the
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms |grep
<vm name>
Note: The first column of the output
shows the vmid.
Check the power state of the virtual machine with the
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate
Power-on the virtual machine with the command
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on
Power-off the virtual machine with the command:
vim-cmd vmsvc/
Reboots vmid referenced from getallvms command
vmsvc/power.reboot vmid
Power Off (Hard)
get the world ID of the virtual machine
esxcli vm process list
World ID: 1625788
Process ID: 0
VMX Cartel ID: 1625786
UUID: 56 4d 9e d3 8b ce ab 59-9b 22 ac 87 40 6c 48 c3
Display Name: TestComputer
And kill them
esxcli vm process kill -t [soft,hard,force] -w
esxcli vm process kill -t hard -w 1625788
Suspend a vm
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.suspend
Resume a virtual machine
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.suspendResume
Reset a virtual machine
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reset
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.shutdown
Deletes the vmdk and vmx files from disk
vim-cmd vmsvc/destroy
Puts hypervisor into maintenance mode
Takes hypervisor out of maintenance mode
Registers vm in hypervisor inventory
vim-cmd solo/registervm
Unregisters vm with hypervisor
vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister vmid
Starts vmware tools installation for VM
vim-cmd vmsvc/tools.install vmid
Provides information about hypervisor networking
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/info
Shows daemons running on hypervisor. Can also be used
for configuration.
chkconfig -l
Same as linux top for vmware
List of vmkernel errors
vmkerrcode -l
Lists a LOT of information about the esx host
Lists information about NIC's. Can also be used for
esxcfg-nics -l
Lists information about virtual switching. Can also be
used for configuration.
esxcfg-vswitch -l
Provides console screen to ssh session
Vmware interactive shell
Read System Event Log of server
esxcfg-vmknic -l
esxcfg-route -l (for
esxcfg-vswitch -l (for switch)
Restart Management, HA Services
/sbin/services restart
Installing Software. List/Install/Uninstall VIBs
(vSphere Installation bundle)
List vibs
esxcli software vib list
Install a vib
esxcli software vib install -v file:/tmp/[NewVIB].vib
Uninstall a vib (determine the Name of the VIB by the
list command)
esxcli software vib remove -n VIBname
Install a patch
esxcli software vib install /tmp/[patchName].zip
firewall state
esxcli network firewall get
Firewall rules
esxcli network firewall ruleset list
Firewall activate a Ruleset, i.e. sshClient
esxcli network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id=sshClient
Only allow an IP Range for the ssh daemon
esxcli network firewall ruleset allowedip add --ruleset-id
sshServer --ip-address
List Kernel Network Interfaces
esxcli network ip interface list
List routing table
esxcli network ip route ipv4 list
Add a route
esxcli network ip route ipv4 add --gateway
To make the route persistent add the command line to a
ESXi startup script. In ESXi 5.1
in ESXi <=5.0
Set Community (Communityname: MGMCOM)
esxcli system snmp set --communities MGMCOM
Set Trap destintion (IP Address Management station:
esxcli system snmp set --targets
Send test trap
esxcli system snmp test
esxcli system snmp get
enable IPMI as SNMP source
esxcli system snmp set --hwsrc sensors
enable CIM as SNMP source
esxcli system snmp set --hwsrc indications
Enable snmp
esxcli system snmp set --enable true
Virtual disks
extend a virtual disk, i.e. to 40GB
vmkfstools -X 40G /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Test/test.vmdk
Convert a Workstation based virtual Disk to a VMFS
Disk for use at ESXi. Disk to convert: Computer.vmdk
Rename Disk Computer.vmdk to Computer_WS.vmdk
mv Computer.vmdk Computer_WS.vmdk
Clone the disk
vmkfstools -i Computer_WS.vmdk -d zeroedthick Computer.vmdk
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk 'Computer.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.
Remove Workstation disk
rm Computer_WS.vmdk
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Vmid Name File Guest OS Version Annotation
36 .......................................
List all snapshots for a virtual machine
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get 36
Get Snapshot:
--Snapshot Name : Installation Complete
--Snapshot Id : 1
--Snapshot Desciption :
--Snapshot Created On : 3/15/2013 13:20:34
--Snapshot State : powered off
----Snapshot Name : SNAP1
----Snapshot Id : 2
----Snapshot Desciption :
----Snapshot Created On : 5/14/2013 11:46:19
----Snapshot State : powered on
Create a snapshot, including the RAM of the
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create 36 "New Snap"
"Snap desc" includeMemory
Delete a snapshot, where 36 is the VMID and 2 the
Snapshot ID
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.remove 36 2
ESXi Advanced Kernel Settings/Parameters
Get all
esxcli system settings advanced list
Set one, i.e. disable the shell respectively ssh
esxcli system settings advanced set -o
/UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 1
ESXi Kernel modules
List loaded kernel modules
vmkload_mod -l
Get a list of all enabled kernel modules
esxcfg-module -q
Get parameters of a kernel modul, i.e. an Emulex FC
HBA module
esxcfg-module -g lpfc820
lpfc820 enabled = 1 options = 'lpfc0_lun_queue_depth=8
lpfc1_lun_queue_depth=8 lpfc2_lun_queue_depth=8 lpfc3_lun_queue_depth=8'
Set kernel module parameters, also i.e. the Emulex FC
HBA module
esxcfg-module -s "lpfc0_lun_queue_depth=8
lpfc1_lun_queue_depth=8 lpfc2_lun_queue_depth=8 lpfc3_lun_queue_depth=8"
Get info of a module with all possible parameters and
a description of each
esxcfg-module -i lpfc820
Get a list of all storage devices
esxcli storage filesystem list
Rename a datastore
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/rename OldName NewName
Get a list of all storage path’s
esxcli storage core path list
Get storage paths for a specific drive
esxcli storage core path list -d
Show Storage Array Type and Path selection policies of
disk devices
esxcli storage nmp device list
Set Roundrobin(VMW_PSP_RR) path selection policy for a disk
device, possible other policies are “Most recently usedâ€:VMW_PSP_MRU or “Fixedâ€:VMW_PSP_FIXED
esxcli storage nmp device set -P VMW_PSP_RR -d
Stat of the visorfs. Here you can find is a
detail description of the visorfs(Hypervisor Filesystem).
Usage of the visorfs
Host Services
Enable ESXi Shell
vim-cmd hostsvc/enable_esx_shell
Disable ESXi Shell
vim-cmd hostsvc/disable_esx_shell
Start ESXi Shell
vim-cmd hostsvc/start_esx_shell
Enable the ssh daemon
vim-cmd hostsvc/enable_ssh
Disable ssh daemon
vim-cmd hostsvc/disable_ssh
Start ssh daemon
vim-cmd hostsvc/start_ssh
Enter Maintainance mode
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
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