Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to Find the installation date of vCloud Usage Meter 3.6.x

I had question from one of the customer is there any way or a possibility to find the installation date of the usage meter.

Actually it is  possible from the 3.6.x - um.log should contain the initial boot-up instance along with the date and timestamp.

Try the following command

cat /var/log/usgmtr/um.log | grep liftweb.Boot 
2020-02-27 10:29:56,878  INFO [localhost-startStop-1] liftweb.Boot: VMware vCloud Usage Meter 3.6.1 Build 7359407 starting

1 comment:

  1. In vCloud Usage Meter 4.4 I did not found a um.log file, but I could get the installation date with `cat /opt/vmware/var/log/firstboot`


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