Friday, June 7, 2019

vCenter Convergence

vCenter 6.7 U1 Convergence steps 

vCenter with external PSC. 

Mount VCSA 6.7 ISO and copy the converge.json from the following folder to local machine. 

Edit the converge.json with the details. 

Details Below : 

ESXi Host name where the current vCenter is running. 

vCenter FQDN or IP. 
SSO user name
SSO Pwd. 
VCSA root appliance password. 

Domain Name. 
Username to join machine to domain. 
Password for domain user

After that open CMD as Admin and browse to D:\vcsa-converge-cli\win32 and run the below command to verify the template. 

 vcsa-util.exe converge --verify-template-only c:\Converge\converge.json

After verifying the template, run  the below command to run the convergence. 

vcsa-util.exe converge --no-ssl-certificate-verification --backup-taken --verbose c:\Converge\converge.json 

Once the converge process is completed, we need to reboot the appliance. 

After reboot we can see vCenter with embedded PSC. 

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